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A fictional theory of existence and reality.
This is gonna be way too difficult to explain while maintaining the kinda-official Wikipedian tone maintained throughout the rest of Assort, so y’know what? Screw it, let’s do it like this.
Take the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Another world, parallel universe, alternative existence, whatever you wanna call it, in which the story takes place, where there’s magic and wizards and fantastic beasts. An entirely fictional concept, that we know isn’t real.
But what if it wasn’t?
What if, somewhere out there, the Wizarding World did actually exist? – a universe where all the characters, places and events were real. What if all the fictional worlds our favourite novels are set in existed?
And why stop there – every book, film, comic, absent-minded doodling in the back of a kid’s book, every fleeting thought, could spark the birth of a new world.
This is what I call Xeriqui (xeriqis in affinitive classyzacion), the power we have to create worlds with our thoughts alone. Anything we conceive or create, however ephemeral or peripheral, creates a new xerique – a world where it’s all real. So if I were to imagine a world where everyone had 6 fingers right now, a new xerique would spring up that instant… except, since I’ve already done it, that xerique, or at least my vision of it, already exists!
Together, all the xeriques form existence – Xistence. Imagine them as bubbles, an infinite number of bubbles, all enclosed within one tera-bubble, containing infinite space. Each xerique is an isolated pocket of any size, where time is fluid and all moments in its history co-exist simultaneously. And at the centre of it all lies our xerique, the Anthroxerique, the most important of all. We are the root of all other xeriques, the force of creation that they are born from.
To be able to traverse and explore these xeriques is the dream, the unattainable dream… except that’s it. These are the places we visit in our dreams, and if they don’t already exist, then it’s our dreams that creates them. The fragmented excursions we set out on when we close our eyes – that’s you venturing between different xeriques. Those terrifying nightmares that seem to be some kind of chimærical hybrid of endless torment, where all the things that scare us come at us at once – that’s you hurtling past xeriques, picking up those aspects, and forging a new xerique of terror from them.
We don’t end there. Keeping Xistence together, are the divine forces of nature. A xelique for each and every concept, physical or abstract, even if only a descendant of another. Light, movement, time. Anything imaginable. Just like xeriques, they spring from our minds, so whenever we ‘discover’ or devise something new, a new xelique is born. In essence, take every Wikipedia page save proper nouns, and you have your xeliques.
The realm which they reside in is Xenique, the outer outskirts of Xistence. United, they form the very membrane of Xistence, holding together the outline of the bubble. Indeed, it seems “all knowledge is precious whether or not it serves the slightest human use”, given that it’s the fabric of existence.
Naturally, existence needs an antogonist. This is where antimatter comes in. Existing parallel to our Xistence are the antixeriques (or zerixes) and antixeliques (or zelixes) of Antixistence, where everything consists of antimatter. Antimatter annihilates normal matter, so the two should never meet. The zelixes reside in Xenoque.
And don’t we all love an inter-dimensional world-destruction war between 2 supreme celestial forces with existence on the line… yeah, I feel like that’d make a pretty epic saga.
Of course, in the end, everything is a human construct.
Who knows what’s out there?