Don’t we love our integration slang.
[!Note] Some of this I use with my maths friends, some I use personally. Most of them aren’t widely established or accepted mathematical terms, but… you could help spread them ;)
You’re looking for a catalyst here.
Multiplying through (or dividing by) a factor when integrating a fraction. Reference to Integration is Like Organic Chemistry.
You probably only want one of primitives or evolutions.
Refers to and , which are ‘evolutions’ of the primitive trigonometric functions:
and are also evolutions, ofc, but they feel a bit more ‘outlandish’.
We pair the trigonometric functions in this way because their derivatives match up nicely:
e^x is famously both the derivative and antiderivative of e^x.
Well-known, well-established.
Try reducing to primitives.
Refers to and , the ‘primitive’ trigonometric functions. Can also be extended to mean and in a hyperbolic context.
See also evolution, which refers to and .
It’s quotable from here.
A solution is quotable if it’s sufficiently simple to jump straight to the answer, i.e. “quote” it. It can also refer to “quoting” a formula from a formula book.
straight-up layer cake
That’s straight-up layer cake mate.
Refers specifically to integrating a fraction where the numerator is the derivative of the denominator, in which case