Y’know what, in recent months I’ve come to really enjoy writing my own maths questions. So much like Assort is a repository of all my creations, Integrity is a collection of all my maths questions. (At least, that’s what it started out as.)
Currently, most of these were written for maths competitions at school, including an Integration Bee, Competitive Completing the Square and Christmas Maths Advent (Addvent).
- Built with Svelte 5 + SvelteKit
- SCSS for styling
- KaTeX for LaTeX
- MDSveX for Markdown
- My Stranger Quarkdown engine for automating content deployment
Fonts from Google Fonts.
- Geologica (sans serif)
- Crimson Pro (serif)
- Written in Markdown with LaTeX
- Preprocessed by a Ruby script into JSON for integration (heh) with the site