Python is awesome.
But much of its stacks of fascinating quirks, tricks, and other syntactic sugar good stuff tend to be hidden amidst ancient Stack Overflow posts and questionable reddit threads, which makes discovering it quite nontrivial.
class Pycobyte[Fun]:
__slots__ = ["_days"]
async def __aiter__(self, /, *, flavour: Fun = "Welcome to pycobytes!") -> Fun[Fun]:
'''You’ve never seen Python like this~'''
for i, day in enumerate(self._days):
yield (await post(i) async for post in self.start(day) if post.state)
Looks scary? Don’t worry – we’ll be delving into all this deliciousness >:)
So, here’s pycobytes.
A weekly series where we delve into interesting and useful features in Python. This isn’t a comprehensive overview of the language by any means, but I share all the cool stuff I’ve discovered through years of adventuring.
An adventure into the wonders of Python.
Quick, snappy and fun!