Computers will do exactly what you tell them to do, not what you want them to do.

Hey pips!

We looked at truthiness last week, which was a bit of a wacky concept. Today, I’m going to shatter how you understand or and and.

It’s pretty self explanatory that if x and y only executes if x and y are true – or truthy, as we now know – and if x or y will execute if either (or both) are truthy.

Let’s try storing one of these expressions in a variable, and see what happens.

>>> win = 0 or 6
>>> if win:
>>>     print("yay")

Remember that 6 is considered truthy, which means the print() nested inside if does run. What’s actually the value of win though?

>>> win

Huh? Not True?

Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, or and and are not like == and <, which output True or False. Actually, they return 1 of the 2 expressions they’re given!

So here, we really have:

>>> if 6:

But how do we know which expression is returned?

Let’s think about how an OR statement works. In x or y, if we know 1 of x or y is truthy, then we immediately know the whole expression must be truthy.

Python will look at x first. If it’s truthy, then it doesn’t matter what y is – no matter what, the whole expression is truthy.

If x is truthy, the expression is truthy

So Python returns x from the expression:

>>> 3 or 4

>>> "life" or None

>>> [0, 1, 2] or [3, 4, 5]
[0, 1, 2]

But if x is falsy, then we do need to look at the truthiness of y. In fact, the truthiness of the whole expression is now determined by y – if it’s falsy, the expression is falsy; if it’s truthy, the expression is truthy.

Truthiness is now determined by y

So in this case, Python returns y from the expression:

>>> None or 2.0

>>> False or ""

>>> [] or [9, 9, 6]
[9, 9, 6]

And guess what, this is actually just a ternary conditional!

# this conditional...
x if x else y

# is identical to:
x or y

Now let’s look at and. Can guess how it works?

x and y is only truthy if both x and y are truthy. So (contrapositively 🔥) if either x or y is falsy, then the whole expression must be false.

1 rotten apple ruins the whole basket

Once again, we’ll look at the expressions from left to right. If Python comes across x and sees that it’s falsy, then it knows the whole expression is falsy. So it returns x:

>>> 0 and 5

>>> None and "link"

>>> {} and {"state": "pondering"}

But if x is truthy, then like before, the truthiness of the whole expression now rests on the metaphorical shoulders of y – if it’s truthy, the expression is truthy, if it’s falsy, the expression is falsy.

So in this case, Python returns y:

>>> "project" and "sekai"

>>> True and 3

>>> [-1, 1] and []

It takes a little more time to get comfortable with using or and and in this way, but you’ll find some neat situations where they come in quite handy!

Further Reading


You’re given 2 objects, py and co. 1 of them is truthy, 1 is falsy. Can you write an expression to print the truthy one first, followed by the falsy one?

>>> py = "aleph"
>>> co = 0

>>> (your_expression)

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