Squark Charm



Anything else that follows the format <flag>! and appears in this first line will be parsed as a flag and also saved in FileData.flags.


For fields which accept multiple values, these values should be separated with /.

destpath list[path]any filepathWhere the file will be exported to.Relative to site routes (<path/to/site>/src/routes)
titlestringanyTitle injected into <head> of the exported HTML within <title>.headDifferent to head
descstringanyDescription injected into <head> of the exported HTML within <meta name="description">capt if provided.Different to capt
headstringanyDisplayed <h1> text in the page header.First detected # text in the Markdown file.Different to title
captstringanyShort caption text displayed below the header.A description of what the page is (such as “Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetype”) rather than a unique concrete description – different to desc.
stylelist[filename]any .scss fileStylesheets to apply.Base stylesheet.Should be a list of file names without file extensions.
dualityoptionlight dark
light! dark!
Default colour theme to use if user has no preference.lightUser preference can be ignored by following it with a !.
indexlist[string]anyWhere to index the page.
dateyear month/season? day><season>: spring summer autumn winterCreation or publish date of the page.Used as a sort parameter when searching.
cleanoption list[option]line-breaks comments braces anglesAspects of the text to cleanup.See Cleanup for more.


Here’s what a Markdown file with a full squark charm would look like:

# Example: Never Gonna Give You Up
<!-- #SQUARK live! feat!
| dest = rick/roll
| title = Happy April Fools
| desc = Definitely not a rickroll
| head = Never Gonna Give You Up
| capt = Rick Astley
| style = rickroll / joke
| duality = dark
| index = soundtracks
| shard = #INDEX / jokes
| date = 1984 April 1
| clean = line-breaks / comments


Here’s a quick cheatsheet to remind yourself of all the flags and fields:

<!-- #SQUARK live! <flag> ...
| dest = <destination-directory>
| title = <webpage-title>
| desc = <webpage-description>
| head = <page-header>
| capt = <page-caption>
| style = <stylesheet> / <stylesheet> ...
| duality = {light(!) / dark(!)}
| index = <index> / <index> ...
| shard = <shard> / <shard> / ...
| date = <year> <month/season?> <date?>
| clean = ... / ...