The magic of Squarkdown lies in squarks, which let you provide instructions for how Squarkdown should process a Markdown file. Squarkdown-flavoured Markdown is what this syntax is called.
Squarks are simply Markdown/HTML comments that follow a specific format. They look like this:
<!-- #SQUARK instruction? -->
You can use these anywhere in your file to customise how Squarkdown should process the Markdown when exporting it. Of course, because they’re just comments, they won’t show up when previewing the Markdown – so you can hide all the instructions for Squarkdown in the raw text, without worrying about it disrupting the Markdown preview in any way!1
# What is Squarkdown-flavoured Markdown?
<!-- #SQUARK live! feat!
| dest = tests/sq-fl-mk
| capt = It’s Markdown with wacky comments.
| tags = tests / demos / no-deploy
| date = 2025 March 14
<!-- #SQUARK leave? -->
Squarks won’t change your Markdown preview in any way.
<!-- #SQUARK leave. -->
<!-- #SQUARK only?
But they can influence how it’s processed when rendered to HTML!
#SQUARK only. -->
Squarks begin with a capitalised #SQUARK
to clearly differentiate them from regular comments. After this comes a short 1-word directive which provides Squarkdown with a particular instruction.
[!Tip] Spaces in
<!-- #SQUARK [squark] -->
are recommended for tidiness, but are not required for Squarkdown to handle them properly.
The behaviour of a squark is indicated by the punctuation mark that follows its directive. For instance, in <!-- #SQUARK live! -->
it’s a !
(exclamation mark).
flavour | mark | example | description | notes |
flag | ! | #SQUARK live! | ||
section open | ? | #SQUARK leave? | ||
section close | . | #SQUARK leave. | ||
anchor | ~ | #SQUARK index~ |
Section Squarks
This type of squark comes in pairs, with one to open the section and one to close it.
Squark Charm
Main article: Squark Charm
- YAML Frontmatter unfortunately leaves a fully visible table of the values in GitHub’s Markdown preview. Maybe this’ll change in future, but until then, this is what Squarkdown avoids!↩