


repostring~Displayed name of the repository. This is injected into <title> in <head> of exported pages.
paths / sitestringsite/[ relative to root ]
Base directory of the site. Many other fields will provide paths relative to this directory. If your entire repo is the site, set this to ".".
paths / sourcesarray null[ relative to root ]
Squarkdown recursively searches these directories for .md files to squarkup.
Use "." to target .md files in your project’s root.
Set this field to null to disable Markdown exporting entirely.
paths / excludearray nullIf a file’s path matches any of these RegEx patterns, squarkup will be skipped for it.
Note the RegEx is matched against the file’s absolute path.
paths / deststringsrc/routes/[ relative to site ]
Markdown files are exported relative to this directory.
out / file-namestring~contentName of exported .svx files (without the .svx file extension).
out / site-datastringsrc/site.jsonFile where Squarkdown exports the site data. Relative to site.
opts / if-no-dirstring[]ignore warn create["warn"]Action to take if an export directory does not exist.
opts / on-erroroptionwarn killwarnAction to take if an error is encountered while processing a file.
bases / pathstring[ relative to site]
Squarkdown looks here for templates for generated +page.svelte and +page.js.
bases / page.sveltestring[ relative to bases/path ]
Squarkdown uses this file as a template for generated +page.svelte files.
Required for Markdown exporting.
bases / index.sveltestring null[ relative to bases/path ]
Squarkdown uses this file as a template for generated +page.svelte files for index pages.
bases / page.jsstring null[ relative to site ]
Squarkdown uses this file as a template for generated +page.js files.
If not supplied, Squarkdown will not create +page.js files.
bases / index-viewstring nullThe component imported and used to render page lists in index pages.

If not supplied, Squarkdown will not create or inject index pages.
styles / pathstringsrc/styles/[ relative to site ]
Squarkdown looks here for stylesheets.
styles / page-stylesstringsrc/styles/[ relative to site ]
Squarkdown looks here for stylesheets to inject during squarkup.
styles / base-stylestringarticle[ relative to styles/page-styles ]
Squarkdown injects this stylesheet into every page.
assets / pathstringassets[ relative to root ]
Squarkdown looks here for static assets to preprocess.
assets / site-assetsstring null[ relative to root ]
Squarkdown moves assets in this directory straight to the root of site/static.
assets / extensionsstring[]jpg jpeg png svg ttf otf woff["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "svg"]Only files with these extensions will be preprocessed by Squarkdown.
fonts / queriesstring[][]Individual URL query params for requesting fonts from Google Fonts.