These are the external fonts I have installed on my device(s)!
- Abel
- Fira Sans
- Kalam
- Luckiest Guy
- Montserrat
- Noto Sans
- Overpass
- SF Mono
- Sniglet
- Source Sans Pro
- Bahnschrift
- Geologica
- Lexend Deca
- Nexa
- Open Sans
- Outfit
- Product Sans
- Rajdhani
- Roboto
- Rubik
- Saira Semicondensed
- Whitney
- Computer Modern
- Crimson
- Lora
- Magnolia
- Matrix Book
- Matrix SC
- Merriweather
- Amatic SC
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Nanum Pen Script
- Nothing You Could Do
- Patrick Hand
- Shadows Into Light
- Shantell Sans
- Waiting For The Sunrise
- Acme
- Anime Ace
- Bubblegum Sans
- Burbank
- Cafe Nero M54
- Cafeteria
- Carter One
- Ceviche One
- Finger Paint
- Homecoming
- Jolly Lodger
- Julee
- Orbitron
- RocknRoll One
font | notes |
Eczar | serif, archaic |
- Ma Shan Zheng
- Noto Sans SC
- Yuanti SC
- Kaiti
- ZCool KuaiLe
- ZCool QingKe HuangYou
- ZCool XiaoWei