Git Gud

Git Gud

Unfortunately command line commands take a pretty significant amount of repetition and regular usage to sink in. I mean, I somehow managed to forget mkdir creates a folder, so… probably better to note down the really important ones here rather than have to dig up an old Stack Overflow post every time :v


Remember git clone creates a new folder for the cloned repo, so we don’t need to create it ourselves beforehand.

Messing with History

If we’ve pushed to remote, then we’re screwed. If not, then…

Undo the last commit, but keep the changes locally

git reset --soft HEAD^

Undo the last commit, but erase the changes too

git reset --hard HEAD^

Retrace to a particular commit id

git reset 1f1e33

Tackling the Submodules

Given a project superior and a subproject interior which will be a submodule within the project…

Add, but then you gotta clone too

git submodule add
git submodule update --init

We’re not on a branch!

cd interior
git checkout main


git submodule update --remote

Delete, and delete properly

git rm interior
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LAST DEPLOYED 11 January 2025