

A glossary of my invented phrases and terminology.

line meaning instance
back in a bite ‘Be right back’, after a meal. I gotta have lunch, back in a bite
back in a blip ‘Be right back’, except maybe not. Cuz y’know, maybe something like the Blip will crop up. I’ve been interrupted, back in a blip
clutch catalyst Adrenaline, really. Epinephrine, since that’s a cool name too. I was high on clutch catalyst during the test.
hand acrobatics What your fingers do when you’re typing really fast on a keyboard. Or playing a Lv16 AT Phigros chart. Typing in aLtErNyZiNg CaSe is literally hand acrobatics.
kek That sort of half-exhale half-snort ‘k’ sound you make as a really short laugh. I don’t even know kek
life deprivation Y’know, I’m not even sure I know myself. I am, in fact, high on life deprivation.
life experience Parody of work experience – in other words, just going out in the world and trying new things. Hey, it’ll be a cool opportunity for life experience, right?
lokay ‘lol okay’ lokay sure
istx ‘I swear to xenique’. Less religious equivalent of ‘I swear to God’. oh my days why is this so difficult istx
productively unproductive Working really hard on something inconsequential. These few days have been productively unproductive.
smh my face
smh my life
Just extra emphasyzacion on ‘smh’ for comedic effect. I didn’t sleep until midnight yesterday smh my life
stroking / tweaking your bones Parody of ‘pulling your leg’, just a reference to the fact that I really like BONES fsr. don’t worry, I’m only stroking your bones.
yeup ‘yep’ + ‘yup’. Reflects the drawn out ‘yee-up’ for humourous confirmation. yeup, we’re screwed.
ytf ‘Why the f***’, parody of ‘wtf’. ytf does this taste so delicious
personal Evodread / Interests Index / Personal Quotes / Slinqui
lists Favourites / Yu-Gi-Oh! / Python / Ruby / 42 Methods of Flawless Fail-Safe Fixing / Gems in the Abstruse Internet / Git Gud / Especially Ingenious Quotes on Software Development / Features I’d Love in PowerPoint / Fonts / Words I Thought Were Real / Features I’d Love in Markdown / Quotes / Interests Index / Personal Quotes / Slinqui

LAST DEPLOYED 11 January 2025