
2021 December 11


Look up, a skies untouched,
Leave nothing if for a careless blink;
There will never be enough.
They said sever the link;
When will you be ready?

Reach out, and see the sight,
That lingers between the halo;
One will have to demise,
for the other to rise.
Are you truly ok though?

A curve I think not, to learn,
Hold to those vows;
Capability confirm,
Provided you turn.
Never forget;
Our time is now.

(11 December 2021)

poetry Assorted Assortments / Forsitan / Shattered, Fractured, Hearted / Heartburn / Heavy Crown / Lifeless / Nameless / Quantitative Quantitivity / Reverie / Strive / Teardrop / The Programmer’s Plight / This / Time of the Times / NO-t ev:ry tiT|e Has2b3 Ide.NticalIy_G1 / What Was This Called Again? / Wordless / export protected final const Love; / fractal fracking / 折磨

LAST DEPLOYED 11 January 2025