
2022 September


Look up, a sky of gleaming stalactites
of ice, streaming down from heavens above;
Those nonexistent memorys ignite,
sparked by the glow of one lonely snowdove.
How otherworldly does it feel, to rake
your frozen fingers through the natural earth;
A trail of disturbance in their wake,
Eyes flutter closed, a laugh escaped in mirth.
At peace for once, you wonder to before
how lucky to stumble upon this find;
If only you could stay forevermore,
Alas, this is the last cave of its kind.
Never forget, here lies, a time long-lost,
The Ancients’ home should never have been crossed.

(September 2022)

poetry Assorted Assortments / Forsitan / Shattered, Fractured, Hearted / Heartburn / Heavy Crown / Lifeless / Nameless / Quantitative Quantitivity / Reverie / Strive / Teardrop / The Programmer’s Plight / This / Time of the Times / NO-t ev:ry tiT|e Has2b3 Ide.NticalIy_G1 / What Was This Called Again? / Wordless / export protected final const Love; / fractal fracking / 折磨

LAST DEPLOYED 11 January 2025