2022 June
A summer past, a summer been;
Spent, well spent, aware,
Inching closer to those furtive dreams;
Where to next?
I think, I wonder,
The path ahead lies uncertain, trepid;
Sometime, somewhere,
As they say, over yonder;
Murky in its shallow depths,
Blurry in its promise kept,
The next destination in a lifetime epic.
Bit, by bit,
I hack away;
Brazenly, assuredly,
of untouched blades,
Supple and brilliant in their aestival green,
Roughened by the vies of nature.
Assorted landmarks
to pave the way,
Into an unknown future,
Slit through with one tepid ray;
Someone, something,
Right there for the taking.
Just a stretch of time away,
An age of brighter days,
Perhaps it was not meant to be.
(Summer 2022)