What Was This Called Again?

2023 March

What Was This Called Again?

Ah. It’s here again –
Just there, you know,
If you tried you could touch upon it then
it flits away, and no –
It’s gone, no trace,
And even then you fervently give chase;
Until, dismayed,
You turn and look away.
You’re sure it will arise another day.
A tickle in the confines of your mind,
A sense of something that you’ve left behind.

(March 2023)

poetry Assorted Assortments / Forsitan / Shattered, Fractured, Hearted / Heartburn / Heavy Crown / Lifeless / Nameless / Quantitative Quantitivity / Reverie / Strive / Teardrop / The Programmer’s Plight / This / Time of the Times / NO-t ev:ry tiT|e Has2b3 Ide.NticalIy_G1 / What Was This Called Again? / Wordless / export protected final const Love; / fractal fracking / 折磨

LAST DEPLOYED 10 December 2024